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List of 214 Basic Chinese Radicals and Meanings [Free PDF]

Common Chinese Radicals

It‘s seems that Chinese Learning is very difficult for oversea Beginners, with the character, the pronounciation, and various dialects, and Chinese cluture background, so thar many people get the urge to simply give up.

But according to many years of teaching experience, WuKong Chinese think that learning Chinese radicals (汉字偏旁部首) is always one of the best ways to learn Chinese characters. Do you want to know what are Chinese radicals list? And why should chinese learning beginners learn them? How many basic Chinese radicals should you master? Here we’ll answer those questions for you, and list top 214 most common Chinese radicals with detailed introducation about their meaning, pinyin, varints, examples. Let’s dive into this article!

Wukong Chinese Learning Resources provides Chinese beginners with a free copybook of Chinese radicals, which allows you to practice Chinese character radicals online, improving your ability to write characters correctly and deepen their understanding of Chinese characters.

Part1. What are Chinese Radicals?

Chinese radicals are the basic building blocks of Chinese characters. They are the smallest semantic units that make up Chinese characters.

Each Chinese character is composed of one or more radicals. Radicals can be thought of as the “root” or “key” parts of a character that provide clues about the character’s meaning or pronunciation.

There are around 214 commonly used radicals in the Chinese writing system. These include:

Knowing the meanings and compositions of these basic radicals is very important for learning to read and write Chinese characters effectively. Radicals allow you to break down and analyze the structure of unfamiliar characters, which aids in character recognition and memorization.

What are Chinese radicals? Below is a video introducing Chinese radicals. The humble “radical” is the building block of many Chinese characters. The video breaks down the five main positional categories of radicals and their impact on words to help deepen your understanding of Chinese radicals.

Part2. How Many Radicals Are in Chinese?

There are around 214 commonly recognized Chinese radicals.

The exact number can vary a bit depending on how radicals are defined and categorized, but 214 is the standard number cited by most authoritative sources on the Chinese writing system.

This set of 214 radicals forms the base components that make up the tens of thousands of Chinese characters. Every Chinese character can be broken down into one or more of these fundamental radical building blocks.

Some key facts about the 214 Chinese radicals:

In summary, while the exact count may vary slightly, the 214 Chinese radicals recognized in the Kangxi system remain the fundamental building blocks that all Chinese characters are composed of. Mastering them is a crucial step in becoming proficient in reading and writing Chinese.

Wukong Chinese provides you with Basic Chinese Radicals pdf for parents to download or print for their children for free. If you want to get a detailed explanation of these radicals, you can make an appointment for a free trial class at Wukong Chinese and let a professional Wukong Chinese teacher explain it to you.

Part3. Top 214 Most Basic Chinese Radicals List for Beginners

Chinese characters are complex visual symbols that combine multiple components to convey meaning and pronunciation. At the foundation of this writing system are the Chinese radicals – the essential building blocks from which all characters are constructed.

Understanding the role and composition of these core radical elements is vital for students seeking to develop proficiency in reading, writing, and comprehending the Chinese language. Here we will provide an overview of the 214 commonly used radicals, including meaning, pronuncation, variants, examples and strokes.

By mastering the meanings, pronunciations, and structural forms of these fundamental radical components, learners can unlock the ability to analyze, remember, and correctly write Chinese characters. This knowledge lays a crucial groundwork for navigating the depth and nuance of the written Chinese language.

Let’s take a closer look at the key radicals that form the basis of the Chinese writing system.

RADICAL NUMBERChinese RadicalsMeaningPinyinVariantsExamplesCommentsSTROKES
1one一、丿、乀一、丁、日、月、目Basic horizontal stroke1
2linegǔn丨、㇏、㇐丨、丶、丸、讠、几Basic vertical stroke1
3dotdiǎn丶、乀丶、丹、乃、乡、乾Basic dot stroke1
4丿slashpiě丿、乀、⺄丿、乍、乏、乓、乜Basic slanted stroke1
5second乙、乚、乛乙、了、事、云、亡Curving stroke, often used for “second”2
6hiddenyǎn乚、兆、亥、亨、享Enclosed stroke, represents something hidden or obscured2
7slashshù乛、亠、京、亭、亮Slanted slash stroke, similar to radical 42
8hookjué亅、了、事、云、亡Hooked stroke, often used for “right” or “to grasp”2
9twoèr二、亅二、于、亏、亓、亖Basic stroke for the number “two”2
10lidtóu冖、冖、亠亠、京、亭、亮、人Covers or caps something, like a “lid”2
11personrén人、亻、仁人、什、仁、今、介Represents a person or human figure2
12childér儿、几儿、兀、允、元、充Stylized representation of a child or baby2
13enter入、儿入、內、全、冬、兮Stroke that represents entering or joining2
14eight八、丷八、公、六、共、兴Basic stroke for the number “eight”2
15covergōng冂、冃冂、兴、兼、冒、冕Encompassing or covering stroke2
16cover冖、亠冖、冢、冥、冬、况Stroke representing a cover or roof over something3
17icebīng冫、亏冫、况、冰、冷、冲Stroke representing ice or cold3
18table几、刂几、凡、凶、凸、凹Stroke representing a small table or stool3
19open mouthkǒu凵、几凵、刚、创、则、剎Stroke representing an open mouth or container3
20knifedāo刀、刂刀、分、切、刈、列Stroke representing a knife or sharp blade3
21strength力、勹力、助、办、动、劳Stroke representing physical strength or effort2
22wrapbāo勹、勹勹、勺、勾、勿、匀Stroke representing something wrapped or enclosed2
23spoon匕、卜匕、化、北、匚、匕Stroke resembling a spoon or ladle2
24boxfāng匚、匚匚、匣、匦、匪、匹Stroke representing a box or container2
25hiding匚、匸匸、匹、区、医、匮Stroke suggesting something is hidden or obscured2
26tenshí十、丨十、千、卉、半、卓Basic stroke for the number “ten”2
27divination卜、匚卜、占、卦、卯、卢Stroke used in ancient divination practices2
28sealjié卩、匕卩、卷、卿、厂、厄Stroke representing a seal or stamp2
29cliffhàn厂、亠厂、厅、历、厕、厘Stroke representing a cliff or steep embankment2
30private厶、小厶、又、叉、及、友Stroke representing something private or secret2
31againyòu又、乂又、双、反、发、叔Stroke representing repetition or “again”2
32herojié杰、松、枚、杠、杜Stroke representing a heroic or outstanding person4
33tree木、本、札、李、朱Stroke representing a tree or wooden object4
34not yetwèi未、末未、术、末、朴、杰Stroke representing something that has not yet occurred4
35methodshù术、本、末、朴、杰Stroke representing a specialized technique or method4
36rootběn本、札、未、末、朱Stroke representing the root or origin of something4
37not yetwèi未、末未、术、末、朴、杰Stroke representing something that has not yet occurred4
38tagzhá札、本、未、术、朱Stroke representing a written tag or label4
39end未、末未、术、本、朴、杰Stroke representing the end or tip of something4
40incompletepǐn朩、木、本、未、朱Stroke representing something incomplete or unfinished4
41plum李、松、杰、朱、来Stroke representing a plum tree5
42forestlín林、杰、朱、果、柏Stroke representing a forest or grove of trees6
43fruitguǒ果、木、李、枚、柑Stroke representing a fruit-bearing tree7
44lackqiàn欠、氵欠、次、武、歹、歼Stroke representing something lacking or missing3
45stopzhǐ止、缶止、步、武、歹、歼Stroke representing the act of stopping or ceasing3
46baddǎi歹、歪歹、止、歪、歧、殊Stroke representing something wicked or evil2
47mother母、毋母、毋、每、每、民Stroke representing a mother or female figure4
48compare比、皮比、皮、系、君、布Stroke representing the act of comparing4
49do not母、毋毋、母、每、毕、毙Roots that indicate negation or prohibition3
50clanshì氏、气氏、民、气、汽、沚Stroke representing a clan or family name4
51air气、氵气、汽、泣、氅、氅Stroke representing air, breath, or vapor4
52juicezhī氵、汁汁、水、沁、沂、沟Stroke representing liquid or juice4
53watershuǐ水、氵水、泉、污、汁、沟Stroke representing water or a liquid4
54firehuǒ火、灬火、炎、焚、炒、点Stroke representing fire or flame4
55clawzhǎo爪、灬爪、爬、爱、爵、版Stroke representing an animal’s claw3
56father父、爻父、爸、爷、爹、爻Stroke representing a father or male figure3
57changeyáo父、爻爻、父、叙、爰、孖Stroke representing change or transformation3
58slicepiàn片、刀片、版、牙、牡、牢Stroke representing a slice or flat piece3
59tooth牙、齒牙、牖、牛、牟、牢Stroke representing a tooth or tusk3
60oxniú牛、牜牛、牝、牧、牟、牡Stroke representing an ox, cow, or bovine4
61dogquǎn犬、犭犬、犭、犯、状、狃Stroke representing a dog or canine4
62dogquǎn犬、犭犭、犬、狂、狗、狡Abbreviated form of the 犬 radical3
63mysteriousxuán玄、玉玄、玉、王、玟、玥Stroke representing something mysterious or profound5
64kingwáng王、玉、玟、玥、珍Stroke representing a king or ruler3
65jade玉、王玉、王、珍、珠、瑀Stroke representing jade or a precious stone4
66melonguā瓜、缶瓜、甜、甜、生、田Stroke representing a melon or gourd7
67tile瓦、石瓦、石、砖、碑、砥Stroke representing a roof tile or ceramic material5
68sweetgān甘、田甘、甜、甜、生、田Stroke representing something sweet or pleasant4
69lifeshēng生、丹生、甜、用、田、申Stroke representing life, growth, or birth4
70useyòng用、甲用、甲、申、电、男Stroke representing the act of using or employing4
71fieldtián田、由、申、电、男Stroke representing an agricultural field5
72foot疋、少疋、疗、疾、疫、痒Stroke representing a foot or a piece of cloth3
73sickness疒、疋疒、疐、疠、痛、瘟Stroke representing illness or disease3
74soredīng疒、疔疔、疒、疠、痛、瘟Stroke representing a sore or inflamed area4
75foot癶、癿癶、癿、登、皮、白Stroke representing a foot or leg3
76heartjiā癶、癿癶、癿、登、皮、白Stroke representing the heart or emotions5
77whitebái白、日白、百、皂、皆、皮Stroke representing the color white4
78skin皮、比皮、肉、皂、皆、膚Stroke representing skin or hide5
79eye目、白目、看、睛、睢、矮Stroke representing an eye or the sense of sight5
80spearmáo矛、殳矛、矢、矢、希、尖Stroke representing a spear or pike6
81arrowshǐ矢、殳矢、矛、朝、希、尖Stroke representing an arrow or projectile4
82stoneshí石、厂石、砖、碍、砚、磨Stroke representing a stone or rock4
83tracklóu禸、禾禸、禾、移、稀、竟Stroke representing an animal’s footprint or track3
84grain禾、木禾、和、稀、稔、稻Stroke representing a sheaf of grain or cereal plant4
85name禾、禹禹、禾、祝、祥、禽Stroke representing a specific proper name5
86cavexué穴、穴穴、窟、空、穷、突Stroke representing a cave or hollow space4
87stand立、立立、站、竖、端、竟Stroke representing the act of standing or erecting4
88tongueshé舌、舌舌、舐、舒、舛、舜Stroke representing the human tongue4
89self自、目自、臣、至、致、臼Stroke representing the self or one’s own7
90arrivezhì至、至至、至、致、臣、臼Stroke representing the act of arriving or reaching6
91mortarjiù臼、目臼、自、至、臣、臾Stroke representing a mortar for grinding grain6
92boatzhōu舟、舟舟、艇、航、艘、艇Stroke representing a boat or ship4
93stoppinggèn艮、止艮、良、艾、英、苛Stroke representing a barrier or something stopping4
94color色、赤色、芳、茶、芝、苏Stroke representing color or appearance7
95grasscǎo艸、艹艸、苏、茶、芳、茂Stroke representing grass or vegetation3
96grasscǎo艸、艹艹、花、茶、草、荣Abbreviated form of the 艸 radical2
97tiger虍、虎虍、虎、虑、虚、虞Stroke representing a tiger or ferocious animal5
98tiger虍、虎虎、号、虑、虚、虞Stroke representing a tiger or feline animal5
99insectchóng虫、虫虫、蚁、蛇、蟠、蛟Stroke representing an insect or bug4
100bloodxuě血、血血、衄、行、衡、衣Stroke representing blood or a bloody substance5
101walkxíng行、彳行、夂、街、衡、衣Stroke representing movement or the act of walking4
102clothes衤、衣衤、衣、裳、裱、裸Abbreviated form of the 衣 radical3
103clothes衤、衣衣、衫、裳、裱、裸Stroke representing clothing or textiles4
104cover見、視、覌、親、覚Stroke representing a covering or concealment5
105seejiàn見、目見、視、親、覌、覚Stroke representing the act of seeing or perceiving7
106hornjiǎo角、穴角、角、觚、觞、觥Stroke representing a horn or pointed projection4
107speechyán言、讠言、言、詞、話、記Stroke representing speech, words, or language5
108valley谷、禾谷、谷、豆、豌、豪Stroke representing a valley or ravine7
109beandòu豆、亠豆、豌、豪、貢、貞Stroke representing a bean or legume5
110pigshǐ豕、豚豕、豬、豭、豢、豬Stroke representing a pig or swine7
111beastzhì豸、豕豸、龇、蛇、蜥、獂Stroke representing a ferocious animal or beast6
112shellbèi貝、目貝、費、貞、財、貢Stroke representing a seashell or mollusk5
113redchì赤、色赤、赭、赳、趣、趣Stroke representing the color red4
114runzǒu走、足走、起、赴、超、越Stroke representing the act of running or moving4
115foot足、止足、跑、跡、躍、踏Stroke representing a foot or the act of standing7
116bodyshēn身、身身、車、軍、輅、軀Stroke representing the human body7
117cartchē車、辶車、軍、軌、輅、輦Stroke representing a cart, carriage, or vehicle4
118metaljīn金、釒金、釗、釘、鈴、鉤Stroke representing metal or a metallic substance8
119longcháng長、長長、門、間、閑、閒Stroke representing length or something extended9
120gatemén門、門門、閉、開、閑、間Stroke representing a gate, doorway, or entrance4
121mound阜、隹阜、阜、防、阮、阪Stroke representing a mound or hillock5
122slave隶、䜌Stroke representing a slave or subordinate3
123birdzhuī隹、隹隹、隹、集、雋、雍Stroke representing a bird or fowl4
124rain雨、雨雨、雲、雷、雰、霖Stroke representing rain or precipitation4
125blueqīng青、青青、青、靑、靛、靜Stroke representing the color blue or green4
126notfēi非、韋非、韋、韭、音、韻Stroke representing negation or opposition6
127facemiàn面、页面、页、頁、額、顏Stroke representing the human face9
128leather革、革革、革、靳、靜、革Stroke representing leather or animal hide6
129blueqīng靑、青Variant form of the 青 radical5
130soundyīn音、立音、韻、頌、響、韻Stroke representing sound or a musical note7
131page頁、頁頁、面、頂、顔、顥Stroke representing a page or leaf7
132windfēng風、風風、颶、飄、颱、颯Stroke representing wind or air currents7
133flyfēi飛、風飛、飆、飄、飆、飡Stroke representing the act of flying7
134eatshí食、飠食、飭、飮、飢、飡Stroke representing food or the act of eating9
135eatshí食、飠食、飭、飮、飢、飡Abbreviated form of the 食 radical4
136fragrantxiāng鬯、香香、鄉、鄭、鄰、鑑Stroke representing a fragrant or aromatic scent7
137horse馬、马马、馬、駒、駝、駿Stroke representing a horse or equine animal4
138bone骨、骨骨、骼、髂、髓、髏Stroke representing a bone or skeletal structure7
139tallgāo高、高高、髙、髙、髙、髙Stroke representing height or something tall8
140hairbiāo髟、髟髟、髮、髯、髭、鬆Stroke representing long hair or fur5
141fightdòu鬥、隹鬥、鬥、鬭、鬮、鬱Stroke representing conflict or fighting7
142sacrificialchàng鬯、香鬯、香、試、貌、貿Stroke representing a sacrificial offering7
143cauldron鬲、隹鬲、鬥、鬭、鬮、鬱Stroke representing an ancient cooking vessel8
144ghostguǐ鬼、鬼鬼、鬼、鬼、魅、魁Stroke representing a ghost, spirit, or supernatural being7
145fish魚、魚魚、鯉、鯊、鯨、鱻Stroke representing a fish or aquatic creature9
146birdniǎo鳥、隹鳥、鵝、鵬、鵰、鶴Stroke representing a bird10
147salt鹵、鹵鹵、鹵、卤、卤、卤Stroke representing salt or salty substances8
148鹿deer鹿、鹿鹿、麇、麋、麟、麥Stroke representing a deer or antlered animal10
149wheatmài麥、禾麥、糧、麵、麼、麽Stroke representing wheat or cereal grains8
150hemp麻、亠麻、麻、蠶、蓆、蒲Stroke representing hemp or linen fibers10
151yellowhuáng黃、黑黃、黑、黛、黜、黟Stroke representing the color yellow11
152milletshǔ黍、黍黍、黎、黑、默、黛Stroke representing millet or other small grains9
153blackhēi黑、黒黑、墨、黧、黽、鼎Stroke representing the color black9
154embroideryzhǐ黽、黹黹、黽、鼎、鼓、鼻Stroke representing embroidery or needlework12
155frogmǐn黽、黹黹、黽、鼎、鼓、鼻Stroke representing a frog or amphibious creature8
156cauldrondǐng鼎、鬲Stroke representing an ancient cooking vessel10
157drum鼓、鼓鼓、鼠、鼻、鼾、齐Stroke representing a drum or percussive instrument11
158ratshǔ鼠、鼠鼠、鼠、鼠、鼠、鼠Stroke representing a rat or mouse8
159nose鼻、自鼻、自、臭、嗅、齅Stroke representing the human nose13
160even齊、齐Stroke representing uniformity or evenness13
161toothchǐ齒、齿齒、齒、齒、齶、齼Stroke representing a tooth or dentition12
162dragonlóng龍、龙龍、龍、龍、龍、龍Stroke representing a dragon or mythical creature9
163tortoiseguī龜、龟龜、龜、龜、龜、龜Stroke representing a turtle or tortoise10
164fluteyuè龠、竽龠、龚、龟、龙、龏Stroke representing a musical wind instrument12
165diewáng亡、冂亡、亡、亡、亡、亡Stroke representing death or the act of dying2
166short-livedyāo夭、大夭、大、天、太、太Stroke representing premature death or brevity of life3
167jade玉、王玉、王、玉、玉、玉Stroke representing the gemstone jade4
168weaponshū殳、殴、毂、毕、毋Stroke representing a weapon or tool5
169do not母、毋毋、母、每、毕、毙Stroke representing a negative imperative3
170city邑、阜邑、郎、郡、部、那Stroke representing a city, town, or village5
171mound阜、隹阜、阜、防、阮、阪Variant form of the 阜 radical5
1725th heavenly stem戊、戈戊、戉、戌、戍、戎Stroke representing the 5th heavenly stem3
173weaponshū殳、殳Variant form of the 殳 radical5
174rap攴、又攴、又、叩、攵、收Stroke representing a striking or beating action3
175axejīn斤、斤斤、斧、斫、斲、斬Stroke representing an ax or heavy tool4
1763rd heavenly stembǐng丙、兵Stroke representing the 3rd heavenly stem3
177beg乞、乙乞、乙、乞、乏、乖Stroke representing the act of begging3
178welljǐng井、亠井、亞、亞、亟、亦Stroke representing a well or spring4
179thennǎiStroke representing a conjunction or transition3
180sproutchè屮、土屮、屯、展、屹、岳Stroke representing a sprouting plant2
181useyòng用、甲用、甲、申、电、男Stroke representing the act of using4
182melonguā瓜、缶瓜、甜、甜、生、田Stroke representing a melon or gourd7
183tile瓦、石瓦、石、砖、碑、砥Stroke representing a roof tile or ceramic6
184tile瓦、石瓦、石、砖、碑、砥Variant form of the 瓦 radical6
185sweetgān甘、田甘、甜、甜、生、田Stroke representing sweetness or pleasantness4
186lifeshēng生、丹生、甜、用、田、申Stroke representing life, birth, or growth4
187useyòng用、甲用、甲、申、电、男Variant form of the 用 radical4
188fieldtián田、由、申、电、男Stroke representing an agricultural field5
189foot疋、少疋、疗、疾、疫、痒Stroke representing a foot or footprint3
190sicknessniè疒、疋疒、疐、疠、痛、瘟Stroke representing illness or disease5
191movement癶、癿癶、癿、登Stroke representing movement or motion3
192whitebái白、日白、百、皂、皆、皮Stroke representing the color white4
193skin皮、比皮、肉、皂、皆、膚Stroke representing skin or hide5
194dishmǐn皿、盛皿、盆、盈、盖、盛Stroke representing a container or serving dish6
195eye目、白目、看、睛、睢、矮Stroke representing the human eye7
196spearmáo矛、殳矛、矢、矢、希、尖Stroke representing a spear or pole-arm6
197arrowshǐ矢、殳矢、矛、朝、希、尖Stroke representing an arrow or projectile4
198stoneshí石、厂石、砖、碍、砚、磨Stroke representing a stone or rock4
199showshì示、礻、祭、祥、祠Stroke representing a display or presentation4
200grain禾、木禾、和、稀、稔、稻Stroke representing a cereal grain plant5
201grain禾、木禾、和、稀、稔、稻Variant form of the 禾 radical5
202cavexué穴、穴穴、窟、空、穷、突Stroke representing a cave, hole, or hollow4
203stand立、立立、站、竖、端、竟Stroke representing the act of standing4
204bamboozhú竹、竹竹、笋、笑、笼、笪Stroke representing bamboo or a bamboo plant6
205rice米、米米、粒、粥、粮、粟Stroke representing rice or small granules5
206thread糸、系糸、索、絮、絲、組Stroke representing thread, string, or silk3
207potfǒu缶、缶缶、罐、册、簿、罐Stroke representing a ceramic pot or vessel5
208sheepyáng羊、羊羊、羣、美、羹、羯Stroke representing a sheep or goat7
209feather羽、羽羽、翅、翅、翊、翎Stroke representing a feather or plume7
210oldlǎo老、老老、耄、考、而、君Stroke representing old age or seniority5
211andér而、而而、老、耄、耒、耳Stroke representing a conjunction or transition4
212very oldlǎo耂、老耂、老、耄、考、耳Variant form of the 老 radical7
213plowlěi耒、耒耒、耜、耘、耕、耨Stroke representing a plow or agricultural tool5
214earěr耳、耳耳、聞、者、聳、聽Stroke representing the human ear7

Part5. Why learn Chinese radicals?

There are several key reasons why learning Chinese radicals is important for studying the Chinese language:

  1. Character recognition and learning: Radicals provide critical clues about the meaning and pronunciation of Chinese characters. Recognizing common radicals makes it much easier to break down and remember the composition of new, unfamiliar characters.
  2. Vocabulary building: Knowing radicals allows you to identify word families and relate new characters to ones you already know. This helps expand your vocabulary more efficiently.
  3. Reading comprehension: Understanding the semantic and phonetic components that make up characters gives you valuable context for deciphering the meaning of texts.
  4. Writing and character formation: Mastering radicals teaches you the proper stroke order and structural components needed to write Chinese characters correctly.
  5. Autonomy in learning: With a grasp of radicals, you become more self-sufficient in looking up and learning new characters instead of relying solely on rote memorization.
  6. Deeper cultural understanding: The origins and evolution of common radicals provide insight into Chinese history, philosophy, and the development of the written language.

Overall, investing time in learning Chinese radicals lays an essential foundation for developing proficiency in reading, writing, and comprehending the Chinese language. It’s a core building block that unlocks greater fluency and independence.


In summary, while learning Chinese can be a daunting challenge for overseas beginners, studying Chinese radicals can provide a solid foundation for learning Chinese characters. Mastering the 214 most common Chinese radicals, understanding their meanings, pronunciations, and variants, can greatly help learners comprehend and memorize Chinese characters. This not only improves learning efficiency but also fosters enthusiasm and interest in the Chinese language. For those who aspire to learn Chinese, this is undoubtedly a great starting point. Let’s embark on this fascinating linguistic journey together!

If you are interested in systematically learning Chinese radicals and components, we recommend you to sign up for a free trial class with WuKong Chinese. The experienced teachers at WuKong Chinese will thoroughly explain the importance of mastering Chinese radicals and guide you through learning the 214 most common ones.

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