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Explore Animals That Start With E: List With Pictures

animals that start with e

Can you name animals that start with E? Eagle. Earwig. Echidna. Eel. Eland. Elephant Seal. If you’re curious about animals that start with E, you’re in for a fascinating exploration!

This topic is especially engaging if your child is learning the alphabet, as discovering these animal names together can be a fun and educational activity. We will provide you with a visually engaging experience!

Eastern Box Turtle

The eastern box turtle is a charming reptile and one of the animals that start with “E,” known for its distinctive domed shell and vibrant markings. These turtles are primarily found in the eastern United States, thriving in forests, grasslands, and wetlands. They are known for their ability to completely retract into their shells for protection, making them unique among reptiles.

Fact: Eastern box turtles are omnivorous and feed on a variety of foods, including fruits, insects, and small invertebrates.

Etruscan Shrew

The Etruscan shrew is one of the smallest mammals in the world and is a fascinating example of animals that start with “E.” Known for its exceptional speed and agility, this tiny creature can move quickly through its environment, making it an adept forager.

Found in parts of Europe and Asia, the Etruscan shrew has a long, pointed snout that enhances its ability to locate food, along with a keen sense of smell that helps it detect prey even in low-light conditions.

Primarily insectivores, Etruscan shrews feed on small invertebrates, such as insects and worms, which provide the necessary nutrients to support their high metabolism.

Fact: Despite their small size, Etruscan shrews have a remarkably high metabolism, requiring them to eat frequently to survive.

Edible Frog

The edible frog is a common amphibian found throughout Europe and is one of the intriguing animals that start with “E.” Known for its culinary uses, particularly in French cuisine, this frog features a smooth green body that can blend seamlessly with its natural surroundings. Its long, powerful legs enable it to jump great distances, making it an agile escape artist when threatened.

Edible frogs primarily inhabit freshwater environments, such as ponds, lakes, and marshes, where they thrive in warm, shallow waters rich in vegetation. Their adaptability and unique characteristics make them a fascinating subject of study within the diverse world of amphibians.

Fact: These frogs are known for their loud mating calls during the breeding season, attracting potential mates with their distinctive sounds.

European Hare

The European hare is a fascinating member of the Leporidae family and is one of the notable animals that start with “E.” Renowned for its impressive speed and agility, this hare can reach remarkable velocities, making it one of the fastest land mammals.

Found across Europe and parts of Asia, European hares inhabit a variety of environments, including fields, forests, and grasslands, where they can easily adapt to different conditions. Primarily nocturnal, these hares are most active during the night, allowing them to evade predators more effectively.

Their keen eyesight is a crucial adaptation, enabling these e animals to detect potential threats from a distance. Additionally, European hares possess strong hind legs, which not only facilitate their incredible jumping ability but also help them escape quickly from danger.

Fact: European hares can reach speeds of up to 45 miles per hour, making them one of the fastest land animals that start with e.

Eurasian Lynx

The Eurasian lynx is a medium-sized wild cat and one of the captivating animals that start with “E.” Found in the dense forests of Europe and Asia, this elusive feline is known for its distinctive tufted ears and impressive size, making it one of the largest species of lynx.

Skilled hunters, Eurasian lynxes primarily prey on small mammals, such as rabbits and rodents, as well as various birds. Their solitary nature allows them to thrive in their habitats, where they rely on stealth and patience to stalk their prey.

Fact: Eurasian lynxes have large paws that help them walk on snow, making them well-adapted to their cold habitats.


The eland is one of the largest animals of antelope and is a remarkable example of animals that start with “E.” Native to the grasslands and savannas of Africa, elands are well-adapted to their environment, showcasing impressive spiral horns that can grow quite large. These horns are not just for display; they play a role in social interactions and dominance displays among males.

Elands are animals that often form herds, which provide protection against predators and a sense of community. Primarily herbivores, elands feed on a diet rich in grasses and leaves, using their strong, agile bodies to browse on vegetation that other animals may not reach.

Fact: Elands are known for their agility and can jump up to 1.5 meters high, despite their large size.


The elk, also known as wapiti, is a magnificent member of the deer family and is recognized as one of the largest land animals in North America. These antlers can grow to remarkable sizes and are shed and regrown annually. This annual cycle showcases their incredible biology and natural processes. As one of the fascinating animals that start with “E,” elk play a significant role in their ecosystems.

Elk are social animals beginning with e and are often found in herds. Elk have impressive antlers that they shed every year.

Fact: Male elk can weigh up to 1,100 pounds and are known for their distinctive bugling calls during the mating season.


The elephant is not only the largest land animal on Earth but also one of the most remarkable creatures in the animal kingdom, making it a standout example among animals that start with “E.” These remarkable creatures are the largest land mammals with distinctive long trunks, large ears, and tusks.

Elephant’s trunk is an amazing tool. It contains around 40,000 muscles and is capable of delicate tasks, such as picking up small objects, as well as powerful actions like uprooting trees.

Fact: Elephants (the largest land animal) are known for their complex social structures.They often live in herds.


Echidnas, often called spiny anteaters, are unique among animals that start with E for their spiky appearance and unusual reproductive methods. These solitary creatures are among the few mammals that lay eggs, sharing this rare trait with the platypus. Echidnas are found in Australia and New Guinea, thriving in forests and arid environments. They feed primarily on ants and termites, using their long, sticky tongues to capture prey.

Fact: Echidnas possess electroreceptors on their snouts, allowing them to sense electrical signals emitted by insects.

Eastern Grey Kangaroo

The eastern grey kangaroo is a large marsupial native to Australia and is a notable example of animals that start with “E.” Known for their powerful hind legs and long, muscular tails. Their strong legs enable them to leap great heights and distances, making them agile and efficient in escaping predators.

Eastern grey kangaroos are animals beginning with e, often seen in groups called mobs. The eastern grey kangaroo’s adaptability and nature make it a captivating subject for wildlife enthusiasts and researchers alike, showcasing the incredible diversity of animals that start with “E.”

Fact: Eastern grey kangaroos can jump over 3 meters in a single bound, making them incredibly agile.

Electric Ray

Electric rays are fascinating animals beginning with “E,” known for their ability to generate electric shock. These cartilaginous fish inhabit warm coastal waters around the world, often found buried in sand or mud on the ocean floor.

Electric rays use their electric organs for defense and to stun prey, and they eat fish and crustaceans. They have a flattened body shape and broad pectoral fins.

Fact: Electric rays are fascinating sea creatures. They can produce electric shocks of up to 220 volts, which they use to immobilize prey and deter predators.


Eagles are majestic birds of prey that symbolize strength and freedom, making them a notable example among animals beginning with “E.” These powerful hunters are found on every continent except Antarctica, often inhabiting forests, mountains, and near large bodies of water.

Eagles have keen eyesight that allows them to spot prey from great distances. They hunt fish, small mammals, and other birds. They are known for their impressive wingspan and soaring flight.

Fact: The golden eagle can see up to eight times better than humans, making it an exceptional predator.

Other Animals That Start With E

There are many other fascinating animals that start with the letter “E.”

The elephant shrew is a small, insectivorous mammal known for its long snout and agile movements.

Then there’s the eider duck, a large sea duck, often found in coastal waters, which is recognized for its distinctive plumage.

“Male King Eider (Somateria spectabilis) in a pond at Cambridge Bay, Nunavut, Canada”

Emus are the second largest birds in the world, after ostriches, flightless birds native to Australia, known for their long legs and ability to run swiftly, and they have a curious nature and will investigate new objects and environments.

Another remarkable bird is the Emperor penguin, the largest of all penguin species, famous for its impressive breeding behavior in harsh Antarctic conditions.

In the marine world, echinoderms are a diverse group of animals that include starfish and sea urchins, showcasing unique forms and adaptations.

Eels, which are snake-like fish, are fascinating creatures that slither through the water with their elongated bodies.

Each of these animals possesses unique characteristics and intriguing facts that enhance our understanding of the animal kingdom.


Exploring amazing animals that start with “E” reveals a variety of fascinating species. Toddlers and preschoolers can’t get enough of these silly and interesting animals beginning with the letter E. From the spiny echidna to the majestic elephant, each animal contributes to the rich tapestry of life on our planet.

So next time you hear about animals that start with “E,” remember the interesting facts you learned today!

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1. What sea animal starts with E?

One notable sea animal that starts with “E” is the elephant seal, specifically the southern elephant seal. These impressive marine mammals are found primarily in the waters of the Southern Hemisphere, particularly around the coasts of Antarctica and the sub-Antarctic islands. The male southern elephant seal can weigh up to 4,500 pounds and is known for its large, trunk-like nose, which it uses to attract mates and assert dominance during the breeding season.

In addition to their impressive size, the elephant seal is a skilled diver, capable of diving deep into the ocean to hunt for fish and squid. Their adaptations make them fascinating examples of marine life.

2. What animals end on E?

In addition to these animals that start with “E,” there are several animals whose names end with the letter “E.” For example, the horse, a domesticated animal known for its speed and strength; and the mouse, a small rodent commonly found in various environments. Each of these animals plays a unique role in their respective ecosystems and has distinct characteristics that make them fascinating to study.

3. Is a shark a mammal?

No, a shark is not a mammal; it is classified as a fish. Specifically, sharks belong to the class Chondrichthyes, which includes cartilaginous fish like rays and skates. Unlike mammals, which have lungs and breathe air, sharks have gills that allow them to extract oxygen from water. In contrast, the elephant seal is a marine mammal that breathes air and has a different biological classification.

Sharks are known for their streamlined bodies, sharp teeth, and keen sense of smell, making them some of the most effective predators in the ocean. While they share some characteristics with mammals, such as being warm-blooded in certain species, their fundamental biological traits categorize them firmly as fish.

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