Top 55 Common Chinese Words & Phrases: A Beginner’s Guide
Wondering how to kickstart your Mandarin journey? Imagine strolling through the streets of Beijing or Shanghai, eager to converse with locals, but feeling lost without the right words. Don’t fret! We’ve got the perfect solution for you. Dive into our guide to the Top 55 Common Chinese Words & Phrases, designed to simplify your language learning experience. Whether you’re seeking directions, ordering a meal, or making new friends, mastering these essential Chinese words will pave the way for seamless communication. So, are you ready to embark on this exciting adventure and learn basic Mandarin words? Let’s get started!

Question Words in Chinese:
Explore the basics of asking questions in Chinese, from “What” to “Who,” master essential vocabulary for effective communication.
1. What – 什么 (shénme)
Example: 你叫什么名字?(Nǐ jiào shénme míngzi?) – What is your name?
2. Where – 哪里 (nǎlǐ)
Example: 你住在哪里?(Nǐ zhù zài nǎlǐ?) – Where do you live?
3. When – 什么时候 (shénme shíhou)
Example: 你什么时候来?(Nǐ shénme shíhou lái?) – When are you coming?
4. Why – 为什么 (wèishénme)
Example: 你为什么不来?(Nǐ wèishénme bù lái?) – Why aren’t you coming?
5. Who – 谁 (shéi)
Example: 你是谁?(Nǐ shì shéi?) – Who are you?
Basic Phrases for Introductions and Greetings:
Learn key phrases for making introductions and exchanging greetings in Chinese. Start conversations with confidence!
6. Hello – 你好 (nǐ hǎo)
Example: 你好,我是小明。(Nǐ hǎo, wǒ shì xiǎo míng.) – Hello, I am Xiaoming.
7. Goodbye – 再见 (zàijiàn)
Example: 再见,明天见。(Zàijiàn, míngtiān jiàn.) – Goodbye, see you tomorrow.
8. Thank you – 谢谢 (xièxiè)
Example: 谢谢你的帮助。(Xièxiè nǐ de bāngzhù.) – Thank you for your help.
9. You’re welcome – 不客气 (bù kèqì)
Example: 不客气,我很乐意帮忙。(Bù kèqì, wǒ hěn lèyì bāngmáng.) – You’re welcome, I’m happy to help.
10. Excuse me – 对不起 (duìbùqǐ)
Example: 对不起,我迟到了。(Duìbùqǐ, wǒ chídào le.) – Excuse me, I’m late.
Essential Words for Daily Life:
Discover words crucial for navigating daily situations in Chinese. From “Yes” to “Please,” build your vocabulary for practical communication.
11. Yes – 是 (shì)
Example: 是的,我明天会来。(Shì de, wǒ míngtiān huì lái.) – Yes, I will come tomorrow.
12. No – 不是 (bùshì)
Example: 不是,我不喜欢这个。(Bùshì, wǒ bù xǐhuān zhège.) – No, I don’t like this.
13. Please – 请 (qǐng)
Example: 请坐。(Qǐng zuò.) – Please sit down.
14. Sorry – 对不起 (duìbùqǐ)
Example: 对不起,我错了。(Duìbùqǐ, wǒ cuò le.) – Sorry, I was wrong.
15. Help – 帮助 (bāngzhù)
Example: 你能帮我吗?(Nǐ néng bāng wǒ ma?) – Can you help me?
Numbers and Counting:
Get familiar with numbers and counting in Chinese. Learn how to express quantities and understand numerical values.
16. One – 一 (yī)
Example: 我有一本书。(Wǒ yǒu yī běn shū.) – I have one book.
17. Two – 二 (èr)
Example: 我有两个朋友。(Wǒ yǒu liǎng gè péngyǒu.) – I have two friends.
18. Three – 三 (sān)
Example: 我有三个姐妹。(Wǒ yǒu sān gè jiěmèi.) – I have three sisters.
19. Ten – 十 (shí)
Example: 十个月是一年。(Shí gè yuè shì yī nián.) – Ten months make a year.
20. Hundred – 百 (bǎi)
Example: 一百元钱。(Yībǎi yuán qián.) – One hundred yuan.
Expressing Desires and Preferences:
Express your likes, dislikes, wants, and needs in Chinese. Enhance your ability to communicate preferences effectively.
21. Like – 喜欢 (xǐhuān)
Example: 我喜欢吃中国菜。(Wǒ xǐhuān chī zhōngguó cài.) – I like to eat Chinese food.
22. Want – 想要 (xiǎng yào)
Example: 我想要一杯咖啡。(Wǒ xiǎng yào yī bēi kāfēi.) – I want a cup of coffee.
23. Need – 需要 (xūyào)
Example: 我需要你的帮助。(Wǒ xūyào nǐ de bāngzhù.) – I need your help.
24. Prefer – 更喜欢 (gèng xǐhuān)
Example: 我更喜欢夏天。(Wǒ gèng xǐhuān xiàtiān.) – I prefer summer.
25. Dislike – 不喜欢 (bù xǐhuān)
Example: 我不喜欢吃辣的食物。(Wǒ bù xǐhuān chī là de shíwù.) – I don’t like spicy food.
Expressing Emotions:
Learn how to express a range of emotions in Chinese. From happiness to sadness, expand your emotional vocabulary.
26. Happy – 高兴 (gāoxìng)
Example: 我很高兴见到你。(Wǒ hěn gāoxìng jiàndào nǐ.) – I am happy to see you.
27. Sad – 伤心 (shāngxīn)
Example: 我很伤心听到这个消息。(Wǒ hěn shāngxīn tīngdào zhège xiāoxi.) – I am sad to hear this news.
28. Angry – 生气 (shēngqì)
Example: 他因为迟到而生气了。(Tā yīnwèi chídào ér shēngqì le.) – He is angry because he is late.
29. Excited – 兴奋 (xīngfèn)
Example: 我对这次旅行感到兴奋。(Wǒ duì zhè cì lǚxíng gǎndào xīngfèn.) – I am excited about this trip.
30. Tired – 累 (lèi)
Example: 我很累,想去睡觉。(Wǒ hěn lèi, xiǎng qù shuìjiào.) – I am tired and want to go to bed.
Directions and Locations:
Navigate your surroundings with confidence in Chinese. Master directional words and location-related vocabulary.
31. Left – 左边 (zuǒbiān)
Example: 转左边,然后直走。(Zhuǎn zuǒbiān, ránhòu zhí zǒu.) – Turn left, then go straight.
32. Right – 右边 (yòubiān)
Example: 在右边有一个超市。(Zài yòubiān yǒu yīgè chāoshì.) – There is a supermarket on the right.
33. Up – 上 (shàng)
Example: 请往上走两层楼。(Qǐng wǎng shàng zǒu liǎng céng lóu.) – Please go up two floors.
34. Down – 下 (xià)
Example: 电梯在下面。(Diàntī zài xiàmiàn.) – The elevator is downstairs.
35. Near – 附近 (fùjìn)
Example: 我家附近有一个公园。(Wǒ jiā fùjìn yǒu yīgè gōngyuán.) – There is a park near my house.
Food and Ordering:
Explore food-related vocabulary and phrases in Chinese. Enhance your dining experience by ordering meals and expressing hunger and thirst.
36. Eat – 吃 (chī)
Example: 你想吃什么?(Nǐ xiǎng chī shénme?) – What do you want to eat?
37. Drink – 喝 (hē)
Example: 我想喝一杯水。(Wǒ xiǎng hē yī bēi shuǐ.) – I want to drink a glass of water.
38. Hungry – 饿 (è)
Example: 我饿了,你想吃什么?(Wǒ è le, nǐ xiǎng chī shénme?) – I’m hungry, what do you want to eat?
39. Thirsty – 渴 (kě)
Example: 外面很热,我很渴。(Wàimiàn hěn rè, wǒ hěn kě.) – It’s hot outside, I’m thirsty.
40. Delicious – 好吃 (hǎochī)
Example: 这个菜很好吃。(Zhège cài hěn hǎochī.) – This dish is delicious.
Expressions of Time:
Understand expressions of time in Chinese. Learn how to talk about the present, past, and future with ease.
41. Now – 现在 (xiànzài)
Example: 我们现在开始。(Wǒmen xiànzài kāishǐ.) – Let’s start now.
42. Later – 后来 (hòulái)
Example: 我会后来再给你打电话。(Wǒ huì hòulái zài gěi nǐ dǎ diànhuà.) – I will call you later.
43. Before – 以前 (yǐqián)
Example: 我以前住在上海。(Wǒ yǐqián zhù zài shànghǎi.) – I used to live in Shanghai.
44. After – 以后 (yǐhòu)
Example: 吃完饭以后,我们去散步。(Chī wán fàn yǐhòu, wǒmen qù sànbù.) – After dinner, let’s go for a walk.
45. Today – 今天 (jīntiān)
Example: 今天是星期五。(Jīntiān shì xīngqíwǔ.) – Today is Friday.
Common Phrases for Introductions and Greetings:
Polish your introductions and greetings in Chinese with common phrases. Make a positive impression with friendly exchanges.
46. How are you? – 你好吗?(Nǐ hǎo ma?)
Example: 你好吗?我很好,谢谢!(Nǐ hǎo ma? Wǒ hěn hǎo, xièxiè!) – How are you? I’m good, thank you!
47. Nice to meet you – 很高兴认识你 (Hěn gāoxìng rènshí nǐ)
Example: 很高兴认识你,我是玛丽。(Hěn gāoxìng rènshí nǐ, wǒ shì mǎlì.) – Nice to meet you, I am Mary.
48. What’s your name? – 你叫什么名字?(Nǐ jiào shénme míngzì?)
Example: 你叫什么名字?(Nǐ jiào shénme míngzì?) – What’s your name?
49. My name is… – 我叫… (Wǒ jiào…)
Example: 我叫大卫。(Wǒ jiào Dàwèi.) – My name is David.
50. How old are you? – 你几岁?(Nǐ jǐ suì?)
Example: 你几岁了?(Nǐ jǐ suì le?) – How old are you?
51. I am… years old. – 我…岁了 (Wǒ… suì le)
Example: 我二十岁了。(Wǒ èrshí suì le.) – I am twenty years old.
52. Where are you from? – 你从哪里来?(Nǐ cóng nǎlǐ lái?)
Example: 你从哪里来?(Nǐ cóng nǎlǐ lái?) – Where are you from?
53. I am from… – 我来自… (Wǒ láizì…)
Example: 我来自中国。(Wǒ láizì zhōngguó.) – I am from China.
54. Have a nice day! – 祝你有个愉快的一天!(Zhù nǐ yǒu gè yúkuài de yītiān!)
Example: 祝你有个愉快的一天!(Zhù nǐ yǒu gè yúkuài de yītiān!) – Have a nice day!
55. Good morning! – 早上好!(Zǎoshang hǎo!)
Example: 早上好!今天天气真好。(Zǎoshang hǎo! Jīntiān tiānqì zhēn hǎo.) – Good morning! The weather is nice today.
Discover WuKong Chinese Course: Tailored Learning for Kids Worldwide
Looking to immerse your child in authentic Chinese language and culture? Look no further than the WuKong Chinese Course! Their specially tailored program caters to kids aged 3-18 worldwide, offering more than just classes—it’s an unforgettable journey into the heart of Chinese learning.

Course Highlights:
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Course Benefits:
- International Chinese: Perfect for families with Chinese experience, aligned with IB standards, and preparing students for international language exams.
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Learn authentic Chinese from those who live and breathe the culture.
Specially tailored for kids aged 3-18 around the world!
Get started free!FAQs on Learning Chinese Words
Q1. What are Chinese words?
Chinese words, or “汉字” (Hanzi), are mandarin characters in written Chinese. Each character typically represents a single syllable or a morpheme.
Q2. How many Chinese words are there?
There are over 50,000 commonly used Chinese characters, although most people only need to know about 2,000 to 3,000 for daily communication.
Q3. What’s the best way to learn Chinese words?
Practice using flashcards regularly, reading Chinese texts, and conversing with native speakers. Consistent exposure is key to mastering Chinese vocabulary.
This article covers the 55 essential Chinese words and phrases you need to know for everyday conversations. But if you want to dive deeper into the language and culture, consider the WuKong Chinese Course. Tailored for kids aged 3-18 worldwide, it offers a rich curriculum and dedicated teachers. With WuKong, learning Chinese becomes a fun and engaging journey. So, whether you’re just starting or want to enhance your skills, WuKong has you covered. Start your Chinese learning adventure today with the WuKong Chinese Course!
Learn authentic Chinese from those who live and breathe the culture.
Specially tailored for kids aged 3-18 around the world!
Get started free!
Master’s degree from Yangzhou University. Possessing 10 years of experience in K-12 Chinese language teaching and research, with over 10 published papers in teh field of language and literature. Currently responsible for teh research and production of “WuKong Chinese” major courses, particularly focusing on teh course’s interest, expansiveness, and its impact on students’ thinking development. She also dedicated to helping children acquire a stronger foundation in Chinese language learning, including Chinese characters, phonetics (pinyin), vocabulary, idioms, classic stories, and Chinese culture. Our Chinese language courses for academic advancement aim to provide children with a wealth of noledge and a deeper understanding of Chinese language skills.