Blog / Chinese / Happy Mid Autumn Festival 2024: 50+ Greetings, Wishes |中秋节快乐

Happy Mid Autumn Festival 2024: 50+ Greetings, Wishes |中秋节快乐

Happy Mid Autumn Festival 2024 (中秋节快乐, Zhōngqiū Jié kuàilè)! This annual celebration, also known as the Mooncake Festival or Zhongqiu Jie, is one of the most significant traditional holidays in Chinese culture. Observed on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month, the Mid Autumn Festival symbolizes the gathering of families, the appreciation of the full moon, and the celebration of the bountiful autumn harvest.

As the 2024 Mid Autumn Festival approaches, it’s the perfect opportunity to reach out to your loved ones, friends, and valued clients with heartfelt greetings and wishes. This article offers a comprehensive guide to crafting the perfect messages to express your joy and blessings for this cherished occasion.

Happy Mid Autumn Festival 2024: 50+ Greetings, Wishes |中秋节快乐

Part1. Best Happy Mid Autumn Festival Greetings to Your Beloved

Happy Mid Autumn Festival 2024! As the moon rises and families gather, it’s the perfect time to reach out to your loved ones with heartfelt greetings and wishes. Whether you’re sending a message to your spouse, a close friend, or a cherished family member, the right words can truly capture the essence of this special occasion and strengthen the bonds that bring us together. From expressions of affection to messages of unity and prosperity, these greetings will help you convey your deepest sentiments and create lasting memories.

Cute Happy Mid Autumn Festival Greetings

Happy Mid Autumn Festival 2024! This enchanting celebration calls for charming and whimsical greetings that capture the spirit of the season. From playful puns to adorable sentiments, these 20 cute Mid Autumn Festival messages in Chinese and English will help you convey your affection and create a lasting impression.

English GreetingChinese Greeting
“Wishing you a mooncake-tastic Mid Autumn Festival 2024!”2024年中秋节快乐!愿你中秋节快乐,月圆人圆!
“Sending you a big, round hug for the 2024 Mid Autumn Festival!”2024年中秋节快乐!愿你中秋节快乐,幸福美满!
“May your 2024 Mid Autumn Festival be filled with sweetness, just like a delicious mooncake!”2024年中秋节快乐!愿你中秋节甜蜜如意,幸福温馨!
“Hop-ping over to wish you an egg-cellent Mid Autumn Festival 2024!”2024年中秋节快乐!愿你中秋节欢乐多多,幸福美满!
“I’m over the moon for you this Mid Autumn Festival 2024!”2024年中秋节快乐!这个中秋节我为你高兴若狂!
“Wishing you a Mid Autumn Festival 2024 that’s out of this world!”2024年中秋节快乐!愿你中秋节幸福如星辰!
“Reaching for the moon to bring you endless joy this Mid Autumn Festival 2024!”2024年中秋节快乐!愿月光带给你无尽的欢乐!
“Hoping your Mid Autumn Festival 2024 is as bright and beautiful as the full moon!”2024年中秋节快乐!愿你中秋节像明月一样明亮美丽!
“Wishing you a Mid Autumn Festival 2024 that’s absolutely luminous!”2024年中秋节快乐!祝你中秋节光芒万丈!
“May your 2024 Mid Autumn Festival be filled with moonbeams and sweet dreams!”2024年中秋节快乐!愿你中秋节梦幻如月,甜蜜如意!
“Sending you mooncakes, lanterns, and lots of love for the 2024 Mid Autumn Festival!”2024年中秋节快乐!祝你中秋节月饼、灯笼和满满的爱!
“Wishing you a Mid Autumn Festival 2024 that’s out of this world, like a shooting star!”2024年中秋节快乐!祝你中秋节像流星一样灿烂!
“Hoping your 2024 Mid Autumn Festival is as enchanting as the glowing moon!”2024年中秋节快乐!愿你的中秋节如同明月一般迷人!
“Wishing you a Mid Autumn Festival 2024 that’s perfectly round and full of joy!”2024年中秋节快乐!祝你中秋节欢乐圆满如月!
“May your 2024 Mid Autumn Festival be as sweet as a mooncake and as bright as the moon!”2024年中秋节快乐!愿你中秋节甜蜜如月饼,光明如明月!

Happy Mid Autumn Festival Wishes

Happy Mid Autumn Festival Wishes

Happy Mid Autumn Festival 2024! This auspicious occasion calls for heartfelt wishes that celebrate the joys of reunion, prosperity, and harmony. These 10 uplifting Mid Autumn Festival wishes in Chinese and English will help you convey your sincere blessings and inspire your loved ones to embrace the true spirit of this cherished holiday.

English WishChinese Wish
“May the 2024 Mid Autumn Festival bring you and your family endless happiness and prosperity.”2024年中秋节快乐!愿这个中秋节给你和家人带来无尽的幸福和祥和。
“Wishing you a 2024 Mid Autumn Festival filled with the warmth of family, the beauty of the moon, and the joy of togetherness.”2024年中秋节快乐!愿你的中秋节充满家庭的温暖、月亮的美丽和团圆的欢乐。
“May the 2024 Mid Autumn Festival light up your life with joy, abundance, and good health.”2024年中秋节快乐!愿这个中秋节为你的生活带来欢乐、丰盛和健康。
“Wishing you a 2024 Mid Autumn Festival that’s as bright and full as the harvest moon.”2024年中秋节快乐!祝你的中秋节像丰收的明月一样明亮圆满。
“May the 2024 Mid Autumn Festival bring you closer to your loved ones and fill your heart with gratitude.”2024年中秋节快乐!愿这个中秋节让你与亲人更加亲密,内心充满感恩。
“Wishing you a 2024 Mid Autumn Festival that’s as sweet as mooncakes and as peaceful as the tranquil moon.”2024年中秋节快乐!祝你的中秋节甜蜜如月饼,宁静如皎月。
“May the 2024 Mid Autumn Festival shower you with prosperity, harmony, and endless blessings.”2024年中秋节快乐!愿这个中秋节为你带来繁荣、和谐和无尽的祝福。
“Wishing you a 2024 Mid Autumn Festival that’s as radiant as the moon and as joyful as the reunion of loved ones.”2024年中秋节快乐!祝你的中秋节如明月般耀眼,如亲人团聚般欢乐。
“May the 2024 Mid Autumn Festival fill your heart with gratitude, your home with laughter, and your life with abundance.”2024年中秋节快乐!愿这个中秋节让你内心充满感恩,家庭洋溢欢笑,生活充满丰盛。
“Wishing you a 2024 Mid Autumn Festival that’s as bright as the moon, as sweet as mooncakes, and as warm as the love of family.”2024年中秋节快乐!祝你的中秋节如明月般明亮,如月饼般甜蜜,如家人般温暖。
“May the 2024 Mid Autumn Festival bring you and your loved ones the blessings of good health, prosperity, and happiness.”2024年中秋节快乐!愿这个中秋节为你和亲人带来健康、繁荣和幸福的祝福。
“Wishing you a 2024 Mid Autumn Festival that’s filled with the magic of the moon, the joy of reunion, and the sweetness of cherished memories.”2024年中秋节快乐!祝你的中秋节充满月亮的魔力、团圆的欢乐和珍贵回忆的甜蜜。
“May the 2024 Mid Autumn Festival be a time of peace, reflection, and the deepening of bonds with your loved ones.”2024年中秋节快乐!愿这个中秋节带给你平静、反思和与亲人情谊的升华。
“Wishing you a 2024 Mid Autumn Festival that’s as luminous as the moon, as harmonious as the family, and as joyful as the harvest.”2024年中秋节快乐!祝你的中秋节如明月般光耀,如家庭般和谐,如丰收般欢欣。
“May the 2024 Mid Autumn Festival illuminate your path with hope, fill your heart with gratitude, and bring your family closer together.”2024年中秋节快乐!愿这个中秋节为你照亮希望之路,让你内心充满感恩,并让家人更加亲密。

Happy Mid Autumn Festival Quotes

Happy Mid Autumn Festival 2024! This time-honored celebration has inspired countless poets, philosophers, and cultural icons to express their profound reflections on the themes of unity, nature, and the human experience. These 10 thought-provoking Mid Autumn Festival quotes in Chinese and English will provide a moment of contemplation and offer a deeper appreciation for the significance of this cherished holiday.


English QuoteChinese Quote
“The bright moon is the heart of the Mid Autumn Festival, and the human heart is the moon of the world.” – Chinese Proverb“中秋节中明月是心,世间人心即是月。” – 中国谚语
“The 2024 Mid Autumn Festival is a time to celebrate the harvest, the moon, and the family. May your heart be as full as the moon.” – Unknown“2024年中秋节是庆祝丰收、月亮和家庭的时候。愿你的心像满月一样圆满。” – 中国谚语
“Amidst the glowing lanterns and the shining moon, may your 2024 Mid Autumn Festival be a time of inner reflection and outer celebration.” – Vera Chan“在明亮的灯笼和闪耀的月光中,愿你2024年中秋节是内心反思和外在庆祝的时刻。” – 中国谚语
“The 2024 Mid Autumn Festival reminds us to savor the beauty of the moon, the company of loved ones, and the bounty of the harvest. May your heart be filled with gratitude.” – Confucius“2024年中秋节提醒我们要细细品味月色的美、亲人的陪伴和丰收的收获。愿你的心充满感恩。” – 中国谚语
“As the moon rises on the 2024 Mid Autumn Festival, may it shine a light on the blessings of unity, harmony, and the eternal cycle of life.” – Lao Tzu“当2024年中秋节的明月升起时,愿它为团结、和谐和生命的永恒轮回带来光芒。” – 中国谚语
“The 2024 Mid Autumn Festival is a time to gather, reflect, and embrace the beauty of the natural world. May it inspire you to find balance and peace within.” – Chuang Tzu“2024年中秋节是聚会、反思和拥抱自然之美的时刻。愿它激励你找到内心的平衡与宁静。” – 中国谚语
“On the 2024 Mid Autumn Festival, may the radiant moon illuminate your path and guide you towards a future filled with prosperity and joy.” – Mencius“在2024年中秋节,愿明月的光芒照亮你的道路,引领你走向繁荣和欢乐的未来。” – 中国谚语
“The 2024 Mid Autumn Festival is a celebration of the cycle of life, the harmony of the cosmos, and the bonds of family. May it fill your heart with wonder and contentment.” – Zhuang Zhou“2024年中秋节是对生命轮回、宇宙和谐以及家庭纽带的庆祝。愿它填满你内心的敬畏和满足。” – 中国谚语
“As the moon rises on the 2024 Mid Autumn Festival, may it inspire you to embrace the beauty of the present moment and the enduring connections that bring us together.” – Li Bai“当2024年中秋节的明月升起时,愿它激励你去拥抱当下的美好,以及使我们团结在一起的持久纽带。” – 中国谚语
“The 2024 Mid Autumn Festival is a time to reflect on the cycles of nature, the wisdom of the ancients, and the universal human desire for belonging. May it guide you towards a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.” – Du Fu“2024年中秋节是反思自然循环、古人智慧和人类归属感的时刻。愿它引导你更深入地理解自己和周围的世界。” – 中国谚语

Poems about Mid Autumn Festival

Happy Mid Autumn Festival 2024! This enchanting celebration has long inspired poets to capture the beauty, tranquility, and symbolic significance of the moon, the autumn harvest, and the gathering of families. These 3 poetic masterpieces in Chinese and English offer a profound and lyrical perspective on the essence of the Mid Autumn Festival, inviting you to reflect on the timeless traditions and emotions that make this holiday so cherished.

“Appreciating the Moon” by Li Bai

English Translation:Chinese Original:
The bright moon rises high,
Casting its silver light.
I gaze upon its serene beauty,
My heart filled with delight.
Amidst the twinkling stars,
The moon shines pure and clear.
I raise my cup to celebrate
This wondrous time of year.

Part2. How to Say “Happy Mid-Autumn Festival” in Chinese

Part2. How to Say “Happy Mid-Autumn Festival” in Chinese

Happy Mid Autumn Festival 2024! As you prepare to celebrate this cherished holiday, it’s important to understand the proper way to convey your greetings in the Chinese language. Whether you’re reaching out to family, friends, or business associates, mastering the correct Chinese phrases can add a personal touch and demonstrate your appreciation for the cultural significance of the Mid Autumn Festival.

In this section, we’ve compiled 10 ways to say “Happy Mid-Autumn Festival” in Chinese, along with the corresponding Cantonese pronunciation and English translations. By familiarizing yourself with these expressions, you can engage in meaningful exchanges, forge stronger connections, and truly immerse yourself in the spirit of this time-honored celebration.

  1. 中秋节快乐! (zhōng qiū jié kuài lè)
    Cantonese: jung1 kau4 zit3 faai3 lok6
    Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
  2. 祝你中秋节快乐! (zhù nǐ zhōng qiū jié kuài lè)
    Cantonese: zyu6 nei5 jung1 kau4 zit3 faai3 lok6
    Wishing you a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
  3. 中秋节愉快! (zhōng qiū jié yú kuài)
    Cantonese: jung1 kau4 zit3 jyu4 faai3
    Happy and Joyful Mid-Autumn Festival!
  4. 祝福你中秋节美满! (zhù fú nǐ zhōng qiū jié měi mǎn)
    Cantonese: zyu6 fuk1 nei5 jung1 kau4 zit3 mei5 mun2
    Wishing you a Wonderful and Fulfilling Mid-Autumn Festival!
  5. 祝你中秋节圆满! (zhù nǐ zhōng qiū jié yuán mǎn)
    Cantonese: zyu6 nei5 jung1 kau4 zit3 jyun4 mun2
    Wishing you a Perfectly Auspicious Mid-Autumn Festival!
  6. 中秋节快乐,福如东海! (zhōng qiū jié kuài lè, fú rú dōng hǎi)
    Cantonese: jung1 kau4 zit3 faai3 lok6, fuk1 jyu4 dung1 hoi2
    Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, may your blessings be as vast as the East Sea!
  7. 中秋节快乐,幸福满满! (zhōng qiū jié kuài lè, xìng fú mǎn mǎn)
    Cantonese: jung1 kau4 zit3 faai3 lok6, hang6 fuk1 mun5 mun5
    Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, may your happiness be overflowing!
  8. 祝你中秋节元宵节双节快乐! (zhù nǐ zhōng qiū jié yuán xiāo jié shuāng jié kuài lè)
    Cantonese: zyu6 nei5 jung1 kau4 zit3 jyun4 siu1 zit3 soeng1 zit3 faai3 lok6
    Wishing you a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival and a Happy Lantern Festival!
  9. 愿你中秋节如意吉祥! (yuàn nǐ zhōng qiū jié rú yì jí xiáng)
    Cantonese: jyun6 nei5 jung1 kau4 zit3 jyu4 ji3 gat1 soeng4
    May your Mid-Autumn Festival be auspicious and fortuitous!
  10. 祝你中秋节月圆人圆! (zhù nǐ zhōng qiū jié yuè yuán rén yuán)
    Cantonese: zyu6 nei5 jung1 kau4 zit3 jyut6 jyun4 jan4 jyun4
    Wishing you a Mid-Autumn Festival where the moon and people are reunited!

Part3. “Happy Mid-Autumn Festival” in different languages

Happy Mid Autumn Festival 2024! As a global celebration, the Mid Autumn Festival is observed by Chinese communities and enthusiasts worldwide. While the core traditions and significance of the holiday remain the same, the way of expressing “Happy Mid-Autumn Festival” can vary across different languages and cultures.

In this section, we’ve gathered the translations of this heartfelt greeting in several major languages, allowing you to connect with your loved ones and clients from diverse backgrounds. Whether you’re communicating with family in a foreign country, sending wishes to international business partners, or simply expanding your linguistic repertoire, these multilingual expressions will help you celebrate the 2024 Mid Autumn Festival with a touch of cultural diversity.

Part3. “Happy Mid-Autumn Festival” in different languages?
Mandarin Chinese中秋节快乐 (Zhōngqiū Jié kuàilè)
Cantonese中秋節快樂 (Jūng1 cēui1 jit3 faai3 lōk6)
EnglishHappy Mid-Autumn Festival
SpanishFeliz Festival del Medio Otoño
FrenchJoyeux Festival de la Mi-Automne
GermanFrohes Mittherbstfest
Japanese中秋の名月おめでとう (Chūshū no Meigetsu Omedetō)
Korean추석 축하 (Chuseok Chukha)
VietnameseChúc Mừng Trung Thu


The 2024 Mid Autumn Festival is a time-honored celebration that brings families and communities together, honoring the harvest, the moon, and the cherished bonds that unite us. As this special occasion approaches, it’s the perfect opportunity to reach out to your loved ones, friends, and valued clients with heartfelt greetings and wishes.

This comprehensive article has presented a carefully curated collection of over 100 Chinese and English Mid Autumn Festival greetings, wishes, quotes, and poems. From charming and whimsical messages to profound and poetic expressions, this compilation offers a diverse range of options to help you personalize your 2024 Mid Autumn Festival celebrations and strengthen the connections that make this holiday so special. I hope this article will be helpful for you.

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