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8 Best Reading Comprehension Strategies for Struggling Readers

Reading comprehension is the cornerstone of learning, enabling students to unlock knowledge, explore new ideas, and thrive academically. Yet, for struggling readers, comprehension skill can feel like an insurmountable obstacle. This article introduces top 8 strategies for improving reading comprehension, specifically aimed at assisting individuals who find reading challenging. Welcome to this journey with WuKong Education, where we turn challenges into opportunities for growth, one strategy at a time!

What is considered reading comprehension?

 Reading Comprehension Strategies

Reading comprehension refers to the cognitive process where a reader interprets and understands the information presented in written text. It entails not just recognizing words but also grasping their meanings in context, following the logical flow of ideas, deducing implied meanings, and retaining key points. Effective reading comprehension allows individuals to extract knowledge, develop critical thinking, and enjoy literature.

Reading comprehension can prove challenging for several reasons. First, limited vocabulary makes it tough to understand the full meaning of sentences. If readers are unfamiliar with key terms, they might miss the point. Second, poor reading habits, like rushing through texts without proper focus, hinder comprehension. Complex sentence structures also pose difficulties, as they require readers to untangle ideas to grasp relationships between them. Additionally, inadequate prior knowledge on a topic makes it harder to link new information to what one already knows. Lastly, distractions and lack of interest can impede concentration, further complicating understanding.

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How to Improve Your Reading Comprehension?

Enhancing English reading comprehension demands a strategic and persistent approach. Below are 8 reading comprehension strategies:

Reading Comprehension

1. Establish a Consistent Reading Routine

Develop a daily habit of reading in English, starting with brief news articles, blog posts, or short stories. Gradually progress to more challenging texts like novels or academic journals. Regular engagement with diverse reading materials enriches your vocabulary and familiarizes you with various writing styles.

2. Expand Your Vocabulary Methodically

Make a conscious effort to learn five new words daily. Jot them down in a vocabulary journal alongside their definitions and usage in a sentence. Utilize vocabulary apps or websites for reinforcement exercises. Revisiting these words frequently aids in long-term retention.

3. Employ Active Reading Techniques

Actively engage with the text by underlining key phrases, noting questions in the margins, and summarizing paragraphs. This method, known as annotating, promotes deeper processing and understanding of the material.

4. Select Online Courses for Improve Reading Comprehension

In this article, we recommend you WuKong Advanced English Reading and Writing Program. The specialized program tands out as a comprehensive resource, designed to bolster reading comprehension and refine writing abilities. It offers a structured curriculum, including curated readings from various genres, coupled with guided analysis and writing tasks. The program’s strength lies in its personalized feedback, which targets individual weaknesses and fosters growth in understanding complex texts and crafting articulate compositions.

5. Cultivate Critical Thinking Skills

As you read, critically assess the author’s perspective, tone, and use of rhetorical devices. Reflect on how these elements contribute to the overall message. Developing this skill allows you to decipher implied meanings and enhances your analytical capabilities.

6. Combine Reading with Listening Activities

Supplement your reading with audio materials, such as podcasts or audiobooks. Listening to native speakers while following along in written form can improve pronunciation, fluency, and comprehension. Attempt to mimic the rhythm and intonation patterns for a more immersive experience.

7. Utilize Context for Word Understanding

Encountering unfamiliar vocabulary? Try to infer its meaning from the surrounding context before reaching for a dictionary. This practice encourages independence and strengthens your ability to grasp the essence of a text even when confronted with unknown words.

8. Reflect, Write, and Discuss

Post-reading activities are vital. Summarize the main points, reflect on what you’ve learned, and if possible, discuss your insights with peers or in online forums. Engaging in debates or written responses reinforces comprehension and broadens your perspective through exposure to alternative interpretations.

WuKong Advanced English Reading and Writing Program

WuKong Advanced English Reading and Writing Program

WuKong Advanced English Reading and Writing Program is meticulously crafted to cater to learners seeking a profound improvement in both their reading comprehension and writing proficiency. It surpasses traditional curricula by pioneering the integration of reading and writing to synchronize the development of students’ critical thinking skills. And the diversity of courses ensures that students encounter a wide array of linguistic styles and subject matters, thereby preparing them for real-world reading scenarios.

Each module within the program is thoughtfully sequenced to build upon previously acquired knowledge. Interactive lessons employ multimedia resources to keep learners engaged, while regular assessments provide timely feedback on progress. A standout feature is the personalized guidance offered by experienced instructors who not only correct grammatical errors but also offer insights into the subtleties of language usage and cultural nuances.

The writing component complements the reading aspect by encouraging frequent practice in various formats, including essays, reports, and creative writing. Students receive constructive criticism on their work, focusing not just on grammar and syntax but also on developing coherent arguments and a unique voice.

The program’s interactive online platform fosters a sense of community among learners, allowing for peer interaction and collaborative learning experiences. This social element adds another dimension to the learning journey, making it more dynamic and enjoyable.

Certainly! In addition to its meticulously designed curriculum, the WuKong Advanced English Reading and Writing Program boasts an extensive digital library filled with a plethora of English Language Arts (ELA) reading resources. These resources are meticulously curated to cater to learners at different proficiency levels, from beginners looking to strengthen their foundational skills to advanced learners aiming to delve into sophisticated literary works and academic texts.

Ultimately, the WuKong Advanced English Reading and Writing Program is a holistic educational experience that equips learners with the skills necessary to navigate complex texts with confidence and express themselves eloquently in written English. Its effectiveness lies in its balanced approach, combining theoretical instruction with practical application, ensuring that learners not only understand the language but also master the art of communicating effectively in it.

FAQs about Reading Comprehension Strategies

1. What is a good reading comprehension?

A good reading comprehension refers to the ability to grasp the full meaning of a text, including its main ideas, details, and underlying messages, enabling readers to answer questions and discuss the content accurately.

2. What is the meaning of reading comprehension?

The term ‘reading comprehension’ signifies the process of understanding and extracting meaning from written texts, which involves decoding words, grasping context, and making connections to prior knowledge.

3. How to teach reading comprehension?

To effectively teach reading comprehension, utilize a variety of strategies such as providing engaging reading passages followed by targeted comprehension questions, regularly conducting reading comprehension tests to assess progress, assigning reading comprehension exercises and practice activities that encourage active reading, and incorporating fun reading comprehension activities and passages that cater to different learning styles. These practices enhance students’ abilities in both reading and comprehension tests.


This article first introduces the meaning of the word reading comprehension. Then it analyzes the causes of people with reading comprehension difficulties. So, here are the most practical strategies for improving reading comprehension: establishing a consistent reading routine, expanding vocabulary methodically, employing active reading techniques, utilizing context for word understanding and more. Finally, this article recommends the WuKong Advanced English Reading and Writing Program and explains in detail why you should choose this program. It is hoped that the content can help struggling readers to improve their reading comprehension ability.

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